Tuesday 18 November 2008

Death Cab for Cutie

Death Cab For Cutie at St. Georges Market 

A little Solidairty

few photos from A Little solidarity last week. poor lighting led to poor iso selection which lead to grain-tastic photos....

derelict return.

Shelley and I went for a wee photo run down to the warehouse i used for last years photography project, aside from loosing the first batch of photos and having to go back down, the results are nice and the place is still wild scary!

Monday 10 November 2008

Captain cube

captain cube complete. 

Thursday 6 November 2008

stencils results one

worked OK I guess! i'll try it more with different light sources later!


just playing around with the word

creating captain

some of the trials for captain logo. typefaces, styles etc

captain stencils

This is the photograph (by Max Forsythe) that inspired this idea, 

The final outcome
cutting in progress
counters included

The idea is to stick this to a window and allow the sun to project the logo onto the floor or wall (dependent on the time of day) and also for the street light jst outside my house to project it onto the wall.
Also like Forsythe, standing infront of the window and allowing the logo to be projected onto my back or chest may create some interesting results!